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Ethiopia Harrar

Ethiopia Harrar

SKU: ethiopia-harrar messela (organic) - copy - copy-no-city

A full 12 oz / 340 gram bag.

Harrar is where coffee was first discovered and then later commercialized. At lighter and medium roasts, you will first notice the syrupy taste of dark berries, especially black and blue ones. Soft notes of clove and cardamom give it a smoky character, as do hints of brown sugar. The aroma is distinctively floral. The body thickens up noticeably at darker roast levels, as do chocolate tones, which remain for a pleasantly long time in the finish. There is low acidity in both lighter and darker roasts, but it still makes for an excellent espresso. If used in milk-based espressos, use as little as comfortable to accentuate Messela’s rich character.

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Another in John Duhring's series "Smell the Coffee," and this time he asks AI to interpret Ethiopian Harrar espresso as Grandma Moses would. Ingenious!