John Duhring, a long time friend and colleague of Kern Trembath (and HelioRoast customer!), specializes in communicating at various levels in order to convey meaning, intention, reason, and emotion. He voluntarily recorded and offered several videos to HelioRoast to help viewers to become more aware of each of our offerings, and listed them into his YouTube channel Smell the Coffee. We're working on connecting each of his videos to its corresponding HelioRoast Cultivar, and you'll find them toward the bottom of each cultivar page. 

 John uses a very light touch to assess our coffees and then invites AI to convert his assessments into graphics that are reminiscent of several well-known artists.

John embodies our stance that  “coffee is community.”

With his help, you can now feast your eyes, nose, and tongue on HelioRoast Coffee!